Health Care Analysis

Health care is a huge issue that is a now continues debate because of ObamaCare.  The central idea of ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act is that everyone will have health insurance even if you cannot afford it.  The downfall with this act is if you do not purchase health insurance then you will be fined through taxes.  Also individuals will have higher premiums to pay to make up for those who will get help.  Depending on where you live private insurers will be available on the online marketplace to buy insurance from.  North Carolina’s governor Pat McCory is opposed to the Affordable Care Act but in favor of helping residents.  There is a lot of confusion behind this change in health care but it affects North Carolina residents directly.

                The online marketplace is controlled by the federal government for North Carolina.  The online marketplace is a website that lets you compare insurance companies that your area provides to buy.  This site also shows different polices and cost.  In North Carolina there are only 2 providers selling insurance.  An insurer dropped out of the online market place because of all the “unknowns” in the exchange. 

                The cost of insurance is increasing for most people.  The lack of polices offered make insurers less competitive.  North Carolina also has fewer policies then most states too.  People are losing the variety of planes from the criteria of the exchange.  The price of these plans are higher than ever.  Until recently companies were keeping their prices a secret from the public.  The premiums of states not supporting ObamaCare are supposed to increases dramatically.  There is also a rise in cost to make up for the people who are not able to pay fully for insurance.   If you do not purchase insurance then you will be taxed extra.  The only way to not be taxed for this is if you applied for Medicaid but didn’t qualify or get benefits.

                Health care is a confusing complicated issue that not a lot of people know fully about.  “If you walk out of the door, about one in five people under 65 are uninsured”.  Many people are not informed about what ObamaCare really is.  Health clinics and community agencies are giving out more information about ObamaCare and the online marketplace.  Also people are now focusing on informing the uninsured about the changes to health care and how it can benefit people.  All the terms, data, and numbers are just too much for people.  There are people who were hired to answer questions about insurance and the online marketplace.  If using the internet or the phone isn’t for you then you can go talk to someone in person about health care.  Some big questions before buying a certain plan can be answered here! 

                There are many complex areas of health care.  ObamaCare has drastically changes health care completely.  Many people are unaware of these changes.  Everything in the affordable care act isn’t all going to plan either.  The first day the online marketplace was open the site was so busy some people couldn’t get on.  The people who could get on had trouble because of being unfamiliar with the new site.  There is also the increase in premiums for most people, but the help from the government for the others.  There is so many sides to this debate to say that ObamaCare is completely awful.  I feel as if there are a lot of kinks in ObamaCare that needs to be fixed to make health insurance truly work for everyone. 

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